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New Mexico AgrAbility sheds light on how farmers and ranchers with disabilities in rural areas overcome challenges to maintain their livelihoods and agricultural production.

An opening reception will be held in the Traditions and Legacy galleries on Jan. 23 at 1:00 p.m. Admission to the reception is free, but regular admission applies to the Museum. 

Visitors can engage with stories about farmers and ranchers who have overcome physical and mental challenges in their pursuit of their agricultural careers. The exhibit features a tractor simulator, which is an actual cab of a tractor designed for individuals with physical barriers, fiberglass cows, and a hoop house to immerse the visitors in what AgrAbility is all about.

AgrAbility is a U.S. Department of Agriculture program to assist farmers, food growers, and farm families who are touched by a disability, chronic health problem, or just getting older, which affects their ability to take part in an agricultural lifestyle. Imagine having a leg prosthesis and trying to drive a farm tractor, or a bad back and trying to ride a horse to round up cattle. People have overcome those challenges with help from the AgrAbility program.

The New Mexico Farm & Ranch Heritage Museum is seeking an exceptional individual to fill the position of Executive Director. Application Details
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