August 17, 2018
Museum Kitchen Classroom
4100 Dripping Springs Rd, Las Cruces, NM
10:00 AM

The Mission of the New Mexico Farm & Ranch Heritage Museum Board is to provide direction, advice, and support to the Director of the Museum in the maintenance and operation of the Museum and all of its activities.
1. Quorum/Call to Order/Introductions – Mayberry
2. Action: Approval of August 17, 2018 Agenda – Board
3. Action: Approval of Minutes from May 18, 2018 Meeting – Board
4. Chairman’s Report – Mayberry
5. DCA Secretary’s Comments – Gonzalez or Designee
6. Museum Director’s Report – Santiago
a) Finance/Budget
b) Update on Alternate Revenue Sources
c) Action: Approval of Items Accepted for Museum Collections – Board
d) Status of current/upcoming capital projects
e) Update on New Exhibits for Agricultural Families
f) Director’s Annual Report
7. Friends of NMFRHM Report – Pres. Neil Fuller or Friends Representative
8. Old Business – Board
a) Update on Lands Adjacent to Museum
b) Update on Situation Regarding Appointments and Terms of Board Members
c) Update on Outreach Efforts to NM Agricultural Community
9. New Business – Board
a) Nomination and Discussion on Election of NMF&RHM Board Officers
b) Action: Election of Officers for NMF&RHM Governing Board
c) Discussion on Extension of Lease of Museum Space for Catering Concessions and Extension of Lease of Museum’s Liquor License with Dickerson’s Catering, and Lease of Museum Space for Gift Shop & Snack Bar with Heart of the Desert, Inc.
d) Action: Approval of Extension of Contract for Lease of Museum Space for Catering Concessions with Dickerson’s Catering LLC
e) Action: Approval of Extension of Lease of Museum’s Liquor License w/Dickerson’s Catering
f) Action: Approval of Extension of Contract for Lease of Museum Space for Gift Shop & Snack Bar concession with Heart of the Desert
g) Discussion on Increasing Museum Attendance
10. Open Forum/Public Comment to the Board – Visitors
11. Discussion on Next Meeting Date – Board
12. Adjournment – Board

• Except for emergency matters, the Board cannot take action on new business that is not on the posted agenda. New business requiring action will be added to the agenda for the next meeting of the Board.

If you are an individual with a disability who is in need of a reader, amplifier, qualified sign language interpreter, or any other form of auxiliary aid or service in order to attend or participate in the hearing or meeting, please contact Craig Massey at (575) 522-4100 at least one week prior to the meeting or as soon as possible. Public documents, including the agenda and minutes, can be provided in various accessible formats. Please contact Craig Massey (575) 522-4100 if a summary or other type of accessible format is needed.

The New Mexico Farm & Ranch Heritage Museum is seeking an exceptional individual to fill the position of Executive Director. Application Details
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