Colorful farm scenes will decorate the New Mexico Farm & Ranch Heritage Museum’s Arts Corridor from Aug. 16 through Dec. 1.

An opening celebration of Las Cruces artist Jeri Desrochers exhibit, Cultivating Color, is set for Aug. 18 from 2:30-4:30 p.m. The reception, which includes refreshments, is free.

Jeri Desrochers’ vibrant oil paintings capture the people and the landscapes of the Southwest’s farm valleys. The artist grew up on a small family farm in the Midwest. She treasures her memories of the hardworking people who lived close to the land and portrays the dignity and strength of these people.

“I watched my father struggle through some tough years trying to keep a small farm running and able to support a family” says Desrochers. “I know how hard he had to work and hope to express my deep appreciation for that level of dedication in my paintings.”

There are 29 paintings in the show. The landscape of the farm valleys provides inspiration with its mix of mountain, valley, and river. Manmade elements dot the landscape with geometric counterpoints.

Desrochers has received numerous awards including Best of Show at the Sun Bowl Art Exhibit and the El Paso Arts International. Her work is included in the State of New Mexico Public Art Collection and the El Paso Public Art Collection as well as numerous other public and private collections.

The New Mexico Farm & Ranch Heritage Museum is seeking an exceptional individual to fill the position of Executive Director. Application Details
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